
What Charts do you need?

I have several new charts in mind:

Stupid Tax or Murphy Repellant for Dave Ramsey fans
$1000 Emergency Fund (or $500, or $2000, etc.)
Kids charts for saving up for an iPod or bike or Wii
Bank Loan
Road Trip
Holiday Travel
Family Vacation

My question is, what would you like?
Do any of these sound useful to you?

I'd love to hear your feedback, and any new chart requests are welcome.


  1. Hi! Those are great ideas! Also how about considering a MORTGAGE chart? You have a 2nd mortgage but forgot the first one. LOL. As for now I guess I'll use the DEBT FREE chart since that is what we are on our way to. :)

    1. There is a home(picture)mortgage chart :) I printed it today

  2. There is a Mortgage Chart here: - I had not yet added it to the All Charts page :)

  3. I would use the $1000 emergency fund chart! We are working on that...thank you for the other charts, I am excited to use them! I am a visual kind of person, so this is very helpful! :)

  4. Have you considered an RV chart? These are great! Thanks

  5. I'd love a vacation chart! We're planning to go to Puerto Rico, it'd be helpful to have a visual aid!

  6. There is a Vacation Chart Miffed67 -
    Good luck saving for your trip :)

  7. Thank you so much! I downloaded it, now to start saving! :)

  8. Heidi, what about just a general "savings" chart, or maybe "goal?" For different things a person might want to save for....a new computer, a pool, a horse, a motorcycle, college you're not making a specific chart for each of those things, but just one general one. People could download it and use it for whatever their particular savings goal is.

  9. I just found your Debt Free Charts on Pinterest! These are SO cool! I'd love a Road Trip chart, or a Family Vacation (without a palm tree). :)
    Thanks so much and God bless,

  10. Also, hubby and I are in an active bankruptcy. I'm using the "debt free" chart to chart our progress toward paying that off, but we won't really be "debt free" since we still have a mortgage. If you have a spare moment (ha! ;) ), could you make one for bankruptcy payoff? Thank you! :)

  11. Love your charts, thanks so much for making them free! I would love a $1000 savings chart. I also think a Christmas saving (or holiday savings) chart would be awesome!

  12. You have "car", "truck", and "motorcycle" so what about "SUV"? I could use that one for sure:)

  13. Can you make a 1,000 Emergency Fund chart? thanks!! Love these

  14. We had to replace our furnace last year, so we're paying off that. I would love one that says FURNACE, because that's how I label that Debt in my head, but a more general category for HOME REPAIRS might be helpful. Also, we're big animal lovers and we have a savings account for our two cats. Would love a PET Emergency Fund chart or PET Savings!

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  16. I'm planning a mission trip to Nicaragua. Could I get one that says Mission Trip? Or Nicaragua? Thanks!

  17. I'd love one that has 2-3 columns on it so I could track I dividual debts on just a couple pieces of paper, and then use the "debt free" as a cumulative one. Thanks!

    1. * that should say individual

    2. I'd love and use all of these new chart ideas, as I need one for 1,00 fund, road trip, bank loan, family vacation :) Thanks!

    3. I would love the $1000 emergency one, kids chart for saving, property tax one (as we don't have a mortgage and have to save it on our own)

  18. A University Savings or College Tuition chart would be wonderful!
    The Emergency Fund chart sounds helpful as well.

  19. I like the idea of a bank loan chart! There are a lot of us out there that take loans out from the bank and have a hard time paying it off. It would be awesome to hear some ways that we can get out of that debt. Especially, with big holidays coming up in a few months!

  20. Is the $1,000 ER fund available? I can't seem to find it.

  21. Thank you so much for these charts. So nice to actually SEE your progress. Do you have one for new furniture?

  22. id acutely like to see a savings chart just savings in general

  23. I really need the road trip one.... or an across country move one if you have it?

  24. do you have a 2016 chart, such as for saving a dollar a day?

  25. Thanks so much for all the charts I'm having a problem printing the mortgage one but got the rest I needed thans ks so much you have helped in so many ways

  26. Love these! Just discovered them! How about a college fund chart?

  27. I'd love one that says "school" or "tuition" as we are cash flowing a private education for our kids!

  28. I would love for you to make a bank loan chart! That would be super beneficial to me this year... thanks so much for the awesome work you do with these charts!

  29. We count how much the debts get paid down, but how about the interest we've paid on debts? An interest paid chart??

  30. A chart for Christmas money would be awesome!

  31. Can you make a chart that says: Sabbatical? We're working to save up enough for my husband to take a year off from work.

  32. Adoption loan would be great

  33. These charts are great! My husband and I just call our loans by the name of the bank we owe. Would you mind making three for us? We would love for them to say Wells Fargo, FedLoan, and Great Lakes. You're amazing!! This is so helpful :)

  34. Can you make one for saving up 100 thousand, or for saving for a house! :)

    1. You can use this one for saving for a house

  35. Need a COLLEGE FUND chart please!

  36. I really like the Murpheys law one as well as the bank loan. I currently use the wedding one for bank loan because that's where the money went.

  37. I'd like a collections chart. Not that I have many, but they need to get gone!!

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  39. I would love one that says "IRELAND" - but I know this falls under a vacation :)

  40. The $1000 emergency fund one would be great for us.

    1. Hi Rosemary - you can use the babyEF chart for a Baby Emergency Fund

  41. Would love the road trips as our marriage ministry take road trips for a whole day just a couple of states over up or down from our church, and we know better that to take it from our emergency fund. So this would be awesome..

  42. I have bought a piece of land to build our house on and would like a chart that says either land loan or bank loan. TIA


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