Debt Free Charts: Vacation Savings Chart

Vacation Savings Chart

Vacations are so much more relaxing when you know you won't be returning home with a maxed out credit card. Save up and pay cash, and commit to never going back and charging a vacation again.


  1. Should probably be using one that says STUPID TAX as this is to pay for a time share for BlueGreen vacations. :( I'll also be creating a spreadsheet to itemize how much money we'll save on vacations using our "timeshare" . Thought this might put a little more positive spin on it while it's hanging on my fridge.

  2. thank you so much for making these! I just printed out the vacation chart (our first vacation!) and I already have a list of all the other charts I want to print out. We're going to put them one by one on our fridge to help us stay motivated in our savings. Thank you again.


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